Learn the fundamentals of hydrogen

Published at 06/01/2025

If there is one sector that the State is betting on in the coming years, it is hydrogen. This is evidenced by its commitment of 7 billion euros by 2030, including 2 billion euros already invested in a hundred projects across the territory.

No hydrogen without training.

Hydrogen has an essential role to play in the energy transition. First, to decarbonize industry and heavy mobility. Then, to allow the storage of intermittent renewable electrical energies (solar and wind) to optimize energy networks and gain flexibility. Hydrogen, stored in its gaseous form, can be injected into existing gas networks, in a mixture, or into dedicated pure hydrogen networks. The electrical and gas networks thus connected, complementary and decarbonized, make perfect ecological sense.

However, for hydrogen to live up to its potential, an appropriate training offer is needed.

As such, training is among the priorities identified by the government to support the development of the sector. Indeed, hydrogen is a gas in its own right whose characteristics must be known in order to master the risks associated with its production, distribution, and uses. It is necessary to train historical actors and new actors who will work with hydrogen to ensure the industrial safety of the sector and ultimately its sustainability, because it is by demonstrating flawless professionalism that a sector can hope to establish itself and endure.

The hydrogen training recipe by Energy Formation.

The hydrogen training offered by Energy Formation, entitled "The fundamentals of hydrogen and associated risks," lasts 2 days, with an unprecedented program composed of 50% theory and 50% practice.

Energy Formation, with its 50 years of technical gas experience, recognized pedagogy, and 6 hectares of infrastructure composed of 30 educational platforms, showcases hydrogen through demonstrations as well as laboratory and full-scale educational platform experiments. The first edition of this training, which can accommodate 12 learners, was fully booked within a few weeks, and the next sessions, which will be scheduled once a quarter, already have a waiting list. A success that highlights the importance of training needs in the sector.

Hydrogen, for 100% renewable gas by 2050.

Gas has begun its decarbonization with the development of biomethane. The production of green gas already represents the power of a nuclear reactor in France (more than 5.5 TWh/year). In two years, this capacity should be doubled. 

According to the ADEME study, "A 100% renewable gas mix by 2050?" published in 2018, gas can become 100% green and local by 2050. A deposit of 460 TWh of renewable gas has been identified, enough to cover the gas needs of the French. Methanation represents 30% of the deposit, pyro-gasification 40%, and power-to-gas, therefore hydrogen, 30%. Hydrogen is thus at the heart of a gas transition with a triple challenge: energy sobriety, decarbonization, and energy independence.

Energy Formation supports the development of renewable gases by accompanying the professionalization of all actors in the green gas sector through dedicated training offers, led by experts, on biomethane, NGV, and hydrogen.


Formation hydrogène