At the heart of gas professionalization since 1967.
Energy Formation is a training center for technical professions in the gas chain and professions related to the development of green gases.
Fully affiliated with GRDF, Energy Formation has been supporting the professionnalization of the entire gas sector for over 50 years.
Dedicated team and optimal learning experience.
110 employees are committed to ensuring an optimal learning experience for the 12 000 trainees welcomed each year on our training campuses.
From the beginning, we have been creating training programs with a high level of pedagogical and technical quality, to offer your employees the shortest path to gas competence.
Présentation Organisme de formation Energy Formation
Depuis toujours, le gaz accompagne le quotidien de chacun.
Tous les jours, des hommes et des femmes mettent leur professionnalisme au service de leurs clients pour leur acheminer cette énergie indispensable à l'équilibre énergétique français.
Depuis 1967, Energy Formation accompagne et forme ses professionnels de l'énergie gaz pour une énergie toujours plus verte et plus sûre.
Nos équipes s'inspirent des neurosciences et de ce que l'innovation offre de meilleur pour transmettre notre savoir-faire gazier et concevoir des formations sur mesure.
Chaque jour, nous vous conseillons sur votre parcours de formation, standard ou sur mesure dans le but de révéler votre plein potentiel.
Pour nous, votre place est au cœur de nos formations.
Fondés sur notre expertise, nous vous accompagnons dans toute la France.
En tant qu'acteurs de la transition énergétique, nous sommes engagés sur les technologies de pointe et les nouvelles énergies, car avec les gaz verts et l'hydrogène, de nouvelles pratiques émergent, d'autres se transforment.
Et c'est notre métier depuis plus de 50 ans de vous les faire apprendre.
Chaque année, nous formons plus de 16 000 techniciens et cadres aux techniques et nouvelles technologies gazières.
Aujourd'hui, 98% de nos clients sont satisfaits de nos prestations.
Alors rejoignez-nous vite, en professionnalisant vos équipes avec les meilleurs formateurs experts du marché sur le gaz naturel, les gaz verts et l'hydrogène !
The Energy Formation recipe : exceptional infrastructure, solid technical expertise, and mastery of pedagogy.
To support the development of your skills, our training organization relies on three pillars:
- Exceptional infrastructure,
- Solid technical expertise,
- Mastery of pedagogy.
All our trainers and designers are certified by the Federation of Professional Training, following a one-year professionalization course. They bring their technical and pedagogical expertise, as well as their field experience to the learners.
Our training programs incorporate neuroscience, digital tools, demonstrations, and place a major emphasis on practical experience by offering, for example, real-life scenarios on educational installations.
We continuously monitor and improve the pedagogical quality of our training and maintain a high level of technical expertise in line with industry and regulatory developments.
Thanks to the dedication and professionalism of our teams, we achieved a customer satisfaction rate of 85% in 2024.
Customized training to educate the gas professionnals of today and tomorrow.
We currently offer more than 250 high-value-added training courses designed to meet the needs of the entire gas sector.
Our training takes place on our three campuses located in Saint-Etienne-de-Montluc, near Nantes, in Gennevilliers, near Paris, and in Lyon. Our campuses are equipped with exceptional infrastructure unique in France, allowing our learners to practice in real-life situations.
We train in six key areas:
- Transport and storage
- Network operation and maintenance
- Network integrity
- Green gases
- Sustainable mobility
- Hydrogen
Discover our training offers by domain:
Green gas sustainable mobility and hydrogen
Operation and maintenance of the network
Energy Formation is Qualiopi certified, and all our training programs can therefore be funded by your OPCO.
We are here for you to...
- Support you throughout the entire training process, from the design and delivery of courses to administrative and logistical management.
- Provide training across the entire gas chain, whether you are a national or international company, public or private.
- Offer training programs with the learner at the center.
- Guarantee high-quality training and professionalization services thanks to our technical and pedagogical facilities and the Qualiopi certification of our training activities.