I am an active learner, accountable for the success of my training.
We provide the conditions to allow you to have a successful learning experience and to spend the most fulfilling time possible with our community of trainers.
This internal regulation aims to organize life in the places where Energy Formation provides its training.
It applies to trainees whether they are in physical or virtual training spaces and even during lunch break at our restauration facilities on or off campuses.
I am going to live a collective experience, and
Wear the appropriate equipments
I prepare for my training
Preparing your training is an essential step towards successful learning.
Here are some guidelines to be ready for your arrival. The invitation and its attachments, that you received and the training sheet available on the website give you all the informations you need :
Failure to meet these prerequisites may result in exclusion from the training. It is your responsibility to be an active participant in your training and to ensure that you possess these prerequisites.
You must bring this equipment (Personal Protective Equipment, digital work devices, etc.). You must have decent city attire, especially to access collective lunch areas. On all occasions, you must wear closed shoes to be protected in case of a fall or falling objects.
Outside of these hours, you can enjoy certain activities on or off campuses, in line with the opening hours of those activities. You are welcome to inquire with your contacts at the training location.
I am going to live a collective experience
The schedule of my training is indicated on your invitation and commits you to be present for the entire duration of the training. For this, the trainer collects your signature twice a day on an attendance sheet. To make your learning experience beneficial, it is necessary to adopt some behaviors that promote good coexistence, such as:
- Arriving on time and respecting break times, in agreement with the trainer.
- Being respectful, tolerant, and open-minded. All remarks, attitudes, and behaviors based on sexism, homophobia, racism, disability, or discriminatory stereotypes (related to ethnic origin, religion, philosophical beliefs, or gender) are prohibited. Whether direct, indirect, in the form of harassment or an injunction to discriminate, discrimination is strictly prohibited.
- Being discreet about my religious beliefs, avoiding any form of proselytism.
- Listening to others and showing kindness in exchanges with others.
- Being an active participant in my training and asking questions.
During your stay, your personal belongings (including your vehicle) remain your sole responsibility.
ANTICIPATED I send or have my employer send written validation, in the form of an email, to the address listed on the invitation.
UNEXPECTED I inform my employer of my delay or absence as soon as possible. I inform Energy Formation of my delay or absence at the number listed on the invitation or the one provided to me upon arrival at the training.
I report or have my accident reported to my employer as soon as possible, and no later than within twenty-four hours.
I report or have my accident reported to Energy Formation as soon as possible, at the number listed on the invitation or the one provided to me upon arrival at the training.
I will respect the priviledged environment of my training
A training place is a common space that must remain pleasant for everyone. Therefore, you are asked to respect basic rules of hygiene, order, and cleanliness in all premises, especially in locker rooms and restrooms.
In accordance with Energy Formation's commitments to sustainable development and environmental protection, and to preserve the living environment, you have to use the collection and sorting facilities provided (containers, bins, ashtrays, etc.).
Depending on the training location, Energy Formation offers me access to a range of services to enhance my experience: relaxation activities (outdoor spaces, break areas, company restaurant) or discovery activities (FabLab or LearningLab, Showroom). You can enjoy them while respecting the integrity and serenity of the places.
During your stay, you can use the designated outdoor areas equipped with ashtrays. Outside these areas, in accordance with regulations, ypu must comply with the smoking and vaping ban.
Depending on the training location, Energy Formation offers an on-site catering service. For hygiene reasons, access to the company restaurant requires appropriate attire (civilian clothes or, failing that, clean work clothes).
The recent episodes of epidemics and pandemics have reminded us of the importance and obligation to adopt these hygiene and cleanliness measures. During these periods, we ask you to follow the protective measures implemented at the training sites, including protective gestures, physical distancing, and possibly wearing a mask.
With you signing the attendance sheet,
you acknowledge that the use of computer tools must be under the supervision of a trainer and exclusively within the framework of the training. Energy Formation cannot be held responsible for any misuse of computer tools outside the scope of the training. Consequently, access to all or part of the computer tools may be denied.
I will use the equipments of my training
Energy Formation provides you with the necessary equipment for the smooth running of your stay. The quality, convenience, and ease of your learning depends on keeping these items in good working order and cleanliness.
You are welcome to ask your contacts at the training location for help on how to use certain equipment (locker room, tools, educational equipment, computers, tablets, work documents, etc.).
Respecting the conditions of use, cleaning, tidying up, reporting damage, incidents, failures, or anomalies contribute to keeping the equipment in good condition. Thanks to your vigilance, Energy Formation can maintain well-kept facilities for the benefit of all users.
Certain equipment, such as showers, locker rooms, or work clothes, is for the exclusive use of trainees: the care and attention you give them contribute to the quality of the learning experience. All equipment provided to me during the training is under the responsibility of Energy Formation. We kindly ask you to return it after use.
During your training, you may be required to drive a vehicle or handle or lift equipment at the request of the trainers. For this, you must have a valid license. The Highway Code, and the respect for traffic and parking conditions at the training sites, apply to everyone for the safety of all.
Emergency equipment (fire extinguishers, defibrillators, first aid kits, etc.) must be handled according to their intended use. Their use must be immediately reported to my contacts at the training location. Access to them must always remain free and easy.
To ensure the availability and good condition of the equipment, Energy Formation regularly conducts inspections. Those who steal or deliberately damage equipment are subject to sanctions. During periods of extreme heat or cold, you may adapt your clothing and behavior to the climatic conditions in line with the recommendations of the training teams at the training sites.
I must have a clear mind
With a prepared, fresh, and available brain, the trainee optimizes their learning during their training. Therefore, they should not be on call the day before and during their training to maintain their full learning potential.
Furthermore, they should not be clouded by the use of alcohol, drugs, or medications unless prescribed.
In order to prioritize the physical integrity of the employee and others, trainees assigned to a course involving risky activities* may be required by the Management or one of its representatives to undergo an approved alcohol test. All tests are conducted with respect for the dignity and rights and freedoms of the person concerned.
In the event of a positive test or refusal to undergo this test, the trainee will be permanently excluded from the course by decision of the Director of Energy Formation.
- The trainee will be informed of their right to request the presence of a third party to witness the test.
- These tests will be conducted by representatives of the Management.
- The trainee will have the opportunity to contest the result by requesting a re-test, which must be carried out within 20 minutes of the initial test and under the same conditions.
Rules to follow on social medias
To facilitate your learning, yout mobile phone must be set to silent or vibrate mode, unless instructed otherwise by the trainer for educational purposes.
For safety reasons, near educational facilities, the use of electronic devices is prohibited, unless authorized by the trainer, within the framework of the training. Taking photographs and/or videos requires the approval of the people being filmed or photographed.
As part of your training, or for personal use, you may use virtual spaces to communicate, such as social networks, photo/video sharing websites, or micro-blogging sites.
Remember that everything you post involves you personally. It is essential that you think or seek advice before posting, as it is difficult to permanently erase what you publish. Aim to protect confidential professional information, the privacy of your personal life, and avoid making overly sharp or unfortunate remarks. Ensure that your private sphere does not interfere with your public sphere. The solution may be to create a professional account, separate from your personal account.
In the event of rule breaching
At the locations where Energy Formation provides its services, Energy Formation's priority is to ensure that you can thrive in complete safety and under conditions allowing the success of your learning.
Any breach of one of the provisions of these regulations, as well as any behavior deemed faulty by the management of Energy Formation, will result in a reminder of the regulations and may be subject to a sanction.
The measures take into account the severity and nature of the observed breach. Following a graduated scale of measures, they may consist of:
- A warning by the trainer,
- A warning by the management line of Energy Formation, without reporting to the trainee's management line,
- A report by a representative of the management line of Energy Formation, with reporting to the trainee's management line,
- Permanent exclusion from the course by decision of the management of Energy Formation or one of its representatives, with reporting to the trainee's management line.
When the Director of Energy Formation or their representative considers permanent exclusion, they comply with the principles defined by the Labor Code, particularly regarding the right to be summoned and the right to be assisted. The exclusion cannot occur less than one full day or more than fifteen days after the interview.
In accordance with Article R. 6352-5 of the Labor Code, when the director of the training organization or their representative considers imposing a sanction, the following procedure is followed: the director or their representative summons the trainee, indicating the purpose of the summons. This specifies the date, time, and place of the interview. It is written and sent by registered letter or handed to the trainee against a receipt; during the interview, the trainee may be assisted by a person of their choice, including the course delegate. The previously mentioned summons states this option. The director or their representative indicates the reason for the proposed sanction and collects the trainee's explanations.
No sanction can be imposed on trainees without them being informed beforehand of the grievances against them.
The Director of Energy Formation or their representative informs the employer and the approved joint collecting body covering the training costs, when known, of the sanction taken.
Any measure involving a report to the management line - for GRDF employees - and any measure beyond a warning - for external employees - is subject to a written and reasoned notification to the trainee in the form of a registered letter or handed over against a receipt.
These regulations are a collective guarantee of living together. It is up to all of us to respect and enforce them. This document has been designed in accordance with the Labor Code and the internal regulations of GRDF.